Boston — As part of its ongoing work to foster the next generation of environmental stewards, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) today announced that the agency will partner with the Girl Scout Councils of Massachusetts for the sixth year in a row to welcome Girl Scouts to state parks across Massachusetts as a part of the annual Girl Scouts Love State Parks national initiative. On Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15 DCR will provide free programs for Girl Scouts at 14 DCR parks to assist Scouts in earning their nature-based badges. In honor of the Girl Scouts, DCR will waive parking fees for all visitors at all of the agency’s parks across the state on Saturday and Sunday.
“As a former Girl Scout, I know firsthand how important these experiences are for empowering kids and teaching them important life skills,” said Governor Maura Healey. “I am thrilled that our Administration can be a part of this program to host girls and young women and provide opportunities for them to connect with the wonderful world around us.”
“The Girl Scouts provide opportunities for girls and young women to build confidence and inspires them to make a difference in their communities,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Girl Scouts Love State Parks is an amazing program where participants can experience our fantastic state parks and participate in fun and engaging programs to learn how important the outdoors is to our well-being.”
“We are excited to once again partner with the Girl Scouts for this fun and engaging annual initiative that brings Girl Scouts into our beautiful parks for free programming that will help them earn their nature-based badges,” said DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo. “Through the Girl Scouts Love State Parks program Scouts can experience our incredible natural, recreational, and cultural resources firsthand and learn about DCR parks from our dedicated and knowledgeable staff.”
This year, DCR is offering 17 programs at 14 state parks for Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend. The programs are designed for the Scouts to earn their Eco Friend Brownie Badge and the Eco Camper Junior Badge, as well as other nature-based badges. Scouts are also welcome to participate in any interpretive programs offered at DCR parks statewide. To register and for Girl Scout specific program descriptions visit the program listings, capacity limits and are noted. For other interpretive programming visit the DCR Programs & Events website.
"Since 2019, Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts has been proud to participate in the Girl Scouts Love State Parks event, partnering with Massachusetts State Parks to offer amazing programming for Girl Scouts of all ages,” said Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts CEO Barbara Fortier. “Each year, it's exciting to see our Girl Scouts discovering the natural beauty of a different state park, creating lasting memories and deepening their connection to the great outdoors.”
“Massachusetts has incredible outdoor spaces and we are grateful to the DCR for their partnership for this weekend of programming,” said Theresa Lynn, CEO, Girl Scouts of Central and Western MA. “Outdoor exploration is a key part of the Girl Scout experience and provides unique opportunities to engage in nature. Let’s fill the parks with Girl Scouts!”
All children participating in programming must be accompanied by an adult. DCR is encouraging Girl Scouts and their families who are participating in the programming to wear sturdy footwear and dress in layers for maximum comfort; bring water and snacks along with a map and cell phone. Girl Scouts should wear their uniform, sash or other Girl Scout apparel. Seasonal weather such as heavy rains and storms affect parks and trails. All events, programs and activities are subject to change with weather. Participants are urged to call ahead to confirm programs will run as planned.
Programs that are part of Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend include:
All About Flowers on Saturday, September 14 from 10– 11:30 a.m. at Blackstone River Valley Heritage Center in Worcester, where Juniors going for their Flowers badge will go on a ‘flower hunt’ in the park, recording and sketching their observations in their botanist’s notebooks. Girl Scouts participating in the program will make pressed flowers and flower arrangements to take home. The program can accommodate 15 people.
Join Nature Exploration: Ponding on Sunday, September 15 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Borderland State Park in North Easton, for an exploration of pond life. Participants will use nets to stir up the bottom of the pond to see what they catch. This program can accommodate 25 people.
Brownie Eco Friend at Wachusett Mountain on Saturday, September 14, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Wachusett Mountain State Reservation in Princeton where Brownies can complete several requirements for the Brownie Eco Friend badge, including learning from park rangers and interpretive staff and going on a hike to learn how to practice the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace.
For a full list of all programs DCR is offering for through the initiative please visit the Girl Scouts Love State Parks website.