The coronavirus pandemic greatly impacted the world on a grand
scale. Loneliness, isolation, money, and food insecurity increased. At
the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to the increased
isolation, money, and food insecurity, Rebecca put together care kits
for clients of the WHEAT Community Connections Soup Kitchen and Food
Pantry to help combat loneliness and pandemic stressors. Rebecca
organized and put together three hundred care kits that each included
KN95 masks, medical gloves, mindful adult coloring books, colored
pencils, SPF-15 chapsticks, water bottles, sunglasses, and
water-repellent string backpacks. Handwritten messages of caring
accompanied every kit.
Throughout my 12 years in Girl Scouting, I learned so many things,
not the least of which was how to interdependently grow, listen, and
stand up for what I believe in. I have learned not only who I am,
something I intend to pursue further each and every day, but also
what's important to me.
Rebecca will be attending Wheaton College in Massachusetts in the
fall of 2022. While she does not know exactly what she wishes to
study, Rebecca is interested in pursuing French, English,
international relations, and the humanities.